Delight · Experience · Music

Does it sound like Music to your ears?

In our daily lives, in our hurry, rush and race to reach an arbitrary finish line, we look but we don’t see; we hear but we don’t listen, and we touch but we don’t feel. Do we even allow our senses to do what they evolved for, which is, to create our individual, personal experience of the world around?

I chanced upon a TED talk (link given at the end of the post) which pointed this out, precisely. Music is soul food for me. I suspect it’s so, for everyone. But we hardly realise what intricacies are programmed in our brains and ears, for sound to be transformed to music.

In the talk, the speaker talks about how people who need cochlear implants, lose this ability to transform sound to music. It made me sit up and think, what will my life be if I ever lose this transformative ability? Music is such an important part of my life, but do I appreciate the beautiful sense of hearing that makes it so, for me?

It gave me a renewed sense of delight in what I listen to, to caress each note with loving attention, and to let the joy of a song vibrate through my body. Let the music flow through you and make your existence special. It’s a privilege to be able to listen to a sound and interpret it as music.

Let your senses do their job well, and see what delights your surroundings hold!

TED talk referred to earlier – (Charles Limb, Building The Musical Muscle)

Equipped with the five senses, Man explores the Universe around him, and calls the adventure,Science -Edwin Hubble

audio e guitars guitars music
Photo from the free photo library, Pexel


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